Take Another Look

Our Food Pantry and the food insecurity issue in Pittsfield, MA were captured in Take Another Look — a 2015 photo exhibit by Nick DeCandia and video by Michael Sinopoli that traveled from the Lichtenstein Center in Pittsfield to the Massachusetts State House in Boston.

The video (below) shares interviews with volunteers and guests, including Pastor Joel Huntington of South Congregational Church, Sister Kathryn Flanagan of Sacred Heart, and Rev. Russ Moody of the Church of Christ in Pittsfield. The video uses Nicholas DeCandia's photo essay to make visible the dignity, strength, and dilemma of those trying to feed themselves and their families on minimum wage salaries or other minimal incomes.

Each and every week hundreds of Berkshire families make use of the food pantries and hot meal sites located mostly in local houses of worship. Who are these neighbors of ours who on a daily basis struggle to eke out a living in this beautiful and scenic area?
— Discover Pittsfield

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